Witchcraft tells the story of Mochizuki Kaoru, a meek young man who no matter what he does, misfortune always seems to be hot on his heels. While he's more than used to getting picked on, one day he musters up the courage to stand up against a group of bullies, hoping that they'll leave him alone. Much to his chagrin, the bullies don't appreciate this sudden surge of confidence, and he's forced to run for his life to avoid a serious beating. He rushes down a rainy shopping street, and after he finally comes across a store that's still open, he slams open the door to a fortune telling shop run by the bespectacled beauty Kagami Kyouko. She offers to patch him up a bit, and after learning about his bully troubles, she suggests a curious solution to his problems: hypnotism. While skeptical, he agrees to be put under a spell meant to help him face his adversaries without fear. Is Kagami a charlatan, or does she actually have some special ability? She's quickly put to the test, as the three