<h3>EN</h3><p>A Regent who’s cold on the outside but passionate on the inside x A Chancellor who is unable to be open about his pain and suffering. The two of them used to be lovers who promised their futures to each other, but fell victim to the schemes of an evil scoundrel. When they meet again, they are on opposing sides. The Regent is bitter about the past betrayal of the Chancellor, and the Chancellor is being threatened to keep silent about the truth. When the two of them start working together again, the Regent swears to make the Chancellor pay. But beneath the hatred and grudges are two hearts that truly love each other. Will they be able to clear up their misunderstanding and walk towards the future hand-in-hand?</p><hr/><h3>ZH</h3><p>外冷内热摄政王X有苦难言小丞相,两人曾是互相许诺过未来的恋人,却被奸人挑拨,再相见时已处于对立阵营,摄政王恨当年丞相的背叛,丞相则受人威胁,无法说出真相,当两人再次共事,摄政王发誓要丞相好看!但充满恨意的外表下依旧是两颗互相爱慕的真心,两人是否能解除误会,携手向前?</p>