First serialized by SoftBank Creative in Sega Saturn Magazine, and later in Dreamcast Magazine, these comic strips follow a family of Anthropomorphized Sega consoles as they go about their lives and provide commentary on the game industry, going head-on against rival consoles like the N64 and PS2.
The family consists of:
Dreamcasko「ドリームキャス子」(A portmanteau of "Dreamcast" and "girl")
Megadora-niisan「メガドラ兄さん」(A portmanteu of "MegaDrive" and "brother")
Sata-rou「サタ郎」(A portmanteau of "Saturn" and "Son")
Gear-man「ギア男」(based on the Game Gear)
Naomi-neesan「ナオミ姉さん」(based on Sega's Naomi arcade hardware)