Understanding The Business Entrepreneur

Understanding The Business Entrepreneur

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Who is the business entrepreneur <a href="https://hufforbes.com/">https://hufforbes.com/</a>? The business entrepreneur is not a "person" but a part of everyone's personality. The entrepreneur is our visionary, the creator that can be found in each of us. We're born with that quality and it defines our lives as we respond to what we see, hear, feel, and experience. What we do with it is up to us. It is developed, nurtured, and given space to flourish or it is squelched, thwarted, without air or stimulation, and dies. Look at anyone around you and you will recognize whether or not the entrepreneur is alive and well within them. The business entrepreneur in us sees opportunities everywhere we look, but many people see only problems everywhere they look. (I bet we all know people like that!) The business entrepreneur in us is more concerned with choosing between opportunities than he or she is with failing to see the opportunities. Opportunit
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