Awm: pubg

Awm: pubg

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When When a superstar and a newbie gamer team up, sparks will fly and a legendary gaming duo's story wil be forged! The flames of old will never die, will the i young will continue to carry the torch! This is a story of how a superstar gamer helps an amateur rise in ranks and how they spark a story of drama and emotion. Despite some friction between the two, they will eventually become the most well known names in the gaming industry!a superstar and a newbie gamer team up, sparks will fly and a legendary gaming duo's story wil be forged! The flames of old will never die, will the i young will continue to carry the torch! This is a story of how a superstar gamer helps an amateur rise in ranks and how they spark a story of drama and emotion. Despite some friction between the two, they will eventually become the most well known names in the gaming industry!
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