Having begun a relationship, lovers Shun Hashimoto and Mio Chibana depart for Tokyo. Unlike the tranquil seaside town where they met, the city is a bustling metropolis, where people from all walks of life go about their lives. Even so, openly being in a homosexual relationship is never an easy task in a society that rejects those who go against the norm.
Their destination is Shun's family home, a place he left years ago after outing himself. Nearly everything is nostalgic about that place, from the very same dog to the very same roof, but a boisterous younger brother is an unexpected surprise. While Shun's mother wishes for the two to stay, his father remains emotionally disconnected from his son.
As they become reacquainted with family friends and grow accustomed to their new environment, Shun and Mio are faced with a seemingly insurmountable challenge—coming to terms with their pasts.