There is a Secret About You

There is a Secret About You

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<h3>EN</h3><p>Song Xue, a white-collar woman, has been caught in a series of strange incidents, and the legendary serial killer, Tooth Fairy, was killed by the police. So this time, whether it was a copycat criminal or someone else. As Song Xue drew closer to the truth, the answer was too much for her to accept.</p><hr/><h3>ZH</h3><p>遭人尾行,物品失窃,女白领宋雪这几天身边怪事不断,加上都市传说的连环杀手“牙仙”再一次出现,让宋雪陷入了深深的恐惧之中,然而当年牙仙杀人事件的凶手已被警方击毙。所以这一次,究竟是模仿犯罪,还是凶手另有其人。当宋雪一步步得接近真相时,答案却让她根本无法接受……
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