<p>In an era of chaos, where the throne has lost its rightful owner, the five noble houses engage in a fierce war to claim the coveted seat. As the gods, angered by the spilled blood and rampant desires, cast a curse upon them, the Alpha and Omega prophecy unfolds. To appease the gods' wrath, the noble houses, for a long time, promise to offer freshly hunted prey from a hunting competition. Amidst this, a new heir from the first house, notorious for not serving the Omega, and the sole successor of the second house, known for their strained relationship with the first, voluntarily join the competition. The competition, now the talk of the town, becomes a battleground for the two houses with a magnetic and intense attraction despite their mutual hatred. This is the story of a passionate and conflicted love in the midst of hatred - the fourth tale in the 'Achilles Gun' series, where the battle of hearts unfolds.</p><hr/><b>FR</b><p>Dans une époque de chaos, où le trône a perdu son proprié