Dragon Ball multiverse

Dragon Ball multiverse

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Set 10 years after the end of Dragon Ball Z in Age 794 known as Universe 18, the main plot revolves around a variety of universes. The strongest of each are invited to participate in a unique one time event, being a tournament which would be held in Universe 0, where there is apparently no life at all so it is okay for all competitors to use their true full power. Each universe can really be viewed as an alternate timeline, known as Multiverse Theory. The winner of the tournament will receive 3 wishes from the Namekian Dragon Porunga, from their own universe, as well as if needed, to use Dragon Balls from the other universes too. The tournament is hosted by the Organizers (Kaioshins, otherwise known as the "Kaioshins"), and that after the tournament is over and the winner is determined, they would grant the winner their prize, and then lastly decide to permanently close all links to all of the universes for good.
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