An anthology centered around the light-hearted and hilarious everyday life of school female idol group µ.
“Hospitality Operation”
Eli has been working harder than usual lately. To cheer her up, the girls decides to dress like maids! Together, they service Eli, hold silly competitions, and make her laugh.
“Apology Tarot”
Nozomi brings Nico a treat but, seeing that she’s asleep from studying, decides to help her clean. She ends up accidentally knocking over a CD and cracking the case, and Nico gets upset. A fight sparks, and Nozomi tries to apologize, but Nico won’t accept it! But then Nico decides to make a special tarot card for Nozomi in apology…
“The Person You Seek Shall Arrive”
A flashback of the day that Nozomi and Eli meet. Nozomi accidentally takes a picture of the beautiful Eli, and the two sit down and start talking about Nozomi constantly moving and her strange way of speaking as a result. But Eli says that she loves how Nozomi talks! The two then decide to get a fortune t