In a series of chance encounters, university students Youichi Arikawa and Shouta Misaki are brought together. When they meet very briefly for the first and second time, Arikawa is not wearing the proper lenses needed to correct his terrible eyesight. All he has to remember Misaki by is a fuzzy impression of his figure and a necklace with a glass flower pendant that he dropped before hurrying away.
Even though they never introduced themselves, Arikawa dreams of Misaki repeatedly, somehow knowing what name to call out in his sleep. When he meets Misaki for a third time, now with clear vision, Arikawa finally sees his face and confirms his name. Although Arikawa is unsure why he is so strongly infatuated by this person, he knows for certain that he cherishes the man in his dreams, so he candidly confesses to Misaki! Can love at first sight strike as strangely as this?