<p>A ronin student, despite his efforts yielding no rewards, suddenly found himself in a different world when he tried to stop a robber with a female convenience store clerk. He sought a talent that would be granted only through earnest efforts from a deity and was gifted the skills of 【Innate Talent】, enabling him to outgrow others consistently, and 【Clairvoyance】, which lets him appraise people and items. However, he needs three times the usual experience points for leveling up. Reborn as Marus, the second son of a viscount family, he diligently improves his stats. But near the town, signs of a monster stampede are emerging... Thus begins an otherworldly reincarnation effort fantasy!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>いくら努力しても報われない浪人生は、コンビニの女性店員とともに強盗を捕縛しようとした瞬間、異世界に転生することになってしまった。神様に“努力をしたらしただけ恵まれる才能”を望むんだところ、レベルアップに人より3倍の経験値が必要だが、確実に人より成長できる【天賦】と他者や物を鑑定できる【天眼】のスキルをもらうことになった。準男爵家の次男・マルスとして転生し、努力を重ねてステータスを伸ばしていたが、街の近くで魔物が溢れるスタンピードの前兆が見られて……。異世界転生努力ファンタジー、ここに開幕!</p>