<p>Princess Canola, was forced to marry in an arranged marriage far away from the kingdom due to the fight for the throne. She fell in love with the first person she saw at first sight! However, the people of Tripol Kingdom treat her as a stranger and ignore her, and inform her that she cannot marry until she passes her three tests. Even her affection alone is enough to make her cold to her... She is here she can't back down. She has already named her grandson and granddaughter. I'll get through that test quickly!</p><hr/><b>PT-BR</b><p>A quarta princesa de Charlemann, Canola F. Incana Charlemann, que foi expulsa de Charlemann por causa da luta de seu irmão pelo trono, foi informada que deveria se casar com o filho único do monarca de Tripol, cujo ela não conhece o rosto nem o nome.