On their first day of high school, Kazumi Sakagami and Kanori Sakashita become friends because of their similar-sounding names and proximity in the classroom. One afternoon, the two attend a group date with students from their predominantly female school. At the end of the evening, Kazumi leaves happily with her partner Ena Yuuya. Meanwhile, Kanori is accompanied to the station by Kota Nakao, whom she agrees to date despite having no strong feelings for him.
As Kazumi acts increasingly lovestruck with each passing day, Kanori grows doubtful of their respective relationships due to Ena's womanizing behavior and the way Kota turns a blind eye to his friend's actions. Although Kazumi dismisses her friend's concerns over Ena, she willfully passes along uncomplimentary rumors regarding Kota. Eventually, the friendship that was founded on superficial bases starts to strain from the pressure of pretending everything is fine in the girls' love lives.