<p>Coo Hem, a town where alchemists gather. Shati, a new apprentice of Garo, a first-rate but stubborn alchemist, is training energetically today! However, she is overflowing with motivation and energy, and Garo is always angry with her. This is a fantasy in which one girl struggles to become a full-fledged alchemist!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>錬金術士が集う町クー・ヘム。一流だけど頑固な錬金術士ガロの弟子になったばかりのひよっこシャティは、今日も元気に修業中! …ただ、やる気と元気が溢れすぎてガロさんには怒られっぱなし。これは、1人の少女が一人前の錬金術士を目指して奮闘するファンタジー! 世界は、こんなにも不思議で美しい!</p>