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暗殺を生業にしている豊田結途(トミタユズ)に下された謎の指令。 「今から会う奴を殺せ」。 しかし目の前に現れたのは、もう一人の自分で&hellip;!? 柴田ヨクサル&times;沢 真の『ブルーストライカー』コンビで贈る、予測不能の&ldquo;殺し屋(ヒットマンズ)&rdquo;アクション・コメディ!! 以暗杀为生的丰田结途,被下达了神秘的指令:&ldquo;将接下来遇到的家伙杀掉&rdquo;,但是,出现在自己眼前的,却是&hellip;&hellip;!?柴田ヨクサル&times;沢 真组合继《Blue striker》后再次联袂献上的无法预测的&ldquo;杀手(Hitmans)&rdquo;动作喜剧! <hr/> A mysterious order given to Yuzu Toyoda (Tomita Yuzu), who makes a living as an assassin. "Kill the guy you meet now." However, what appeared in front of me was another version of myself...!? An unpredictable "hitman" action comedy presented by the "Blue Striker" duo of Yokusaru Shibata and Makoto Sawa!! Afterwards, the mysterious command given to him to kill the children: "Destroy the family that will come in contact with him in the future", but now he is in front of himself, and he refuses...! ? Yokusaru Shibata x Makoto Sawa's combination "Blue striker", and the unlawful "Hitmans" action thriller that will be presented again next time!
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