Jitsuroku naku made boko rarete hajimete koi ni ochimashita.

Jitsuroku naku made boko rarete hajimete koi ni ochimashita.

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生まれてはじめて泣くまで殴られた。その時、生まれてはじめて恋に落ちた。暴力を受けることでしか興奮できない被虐趣味を持つ私。自分でも理解し難いこの欲望を、己の中に溜め続けた日々に、突然限界が訪れた――。もっと他にやるべきことがあるような気がするけど、向き合おう、自分の欲望に!! 23歳、処女、恋愛経験なし、性的嗜好がこじれまくった作者が恋に落ちた奇跡を描く、ちょっと過激な初恋エッセイ。 我被暴力對待才能興奮。有一天,當我繼續積累不可告人的欲望時,那個界限達到了頂峯。 “我第一次被痛揍到哭,那是我第一次墜入愛河” 23歲,處女,這是一位從未有過戀愛經驗的作者的一篇過激的初戀隨筆。 I was beaten to cry for the first time in my life. At that time, I fell in love for the first time in my life. I have a brutal hobby that can be excited only by being subjected to violence. Suddenly the limit came in the days that kept accumulating in myself my desire which was hard to understand myself. I feel like I have something else to do, but let's face it, to my own desires! ! A 23-year-old, virgin, with no love experience, the author who fell in love with sexual preferences drew a miracle that fell in love, a little radical first love essay.
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