Mai, the protagonist, has been reincarnated into the world of an Otome game. As the reincarnated heroine Sophia, she manages to reach the confession event of Prince Albert. She had only ever seen Al through the screen of her device. While her heart is pounding from Al's confession, she feels guilty because it is Sophie that Al likes, not herself. Mai refuses his confession and explains that she is not actually Sophia. For a moment it seemed that Al had accepted her explanation... But the next moment, Mai is pushed up against the wall and pinned there. "I understand very well that you don't understand anything." His attitude and demeanor having completely changed, Al forcibly kisses Mai... He presses a raging erection against her and begins to masturbate... and then... In the face of the such intense desire directed at her body, such the kind that she has never seen the decent prince display before, Mai is at the mercy of pleasure while she desperately tries to convey her feelings...