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In the vast metropolis of Tokyo, 20-year-old Yukiyo Fujimoto has resigned himself to a loveless life. He is only a temporary worker with no dreams, aspirations, or expectations whatsoever. Yukiyo finds himself coming into sudden contact with various women he has known from the past: Natsuki Komiyama, an unrequited love; Aki Doi, a crush from a previous job; Itsuka Nakashiba, a friend he had shown interest in; and Naoko Hayashida, a former delinquent classmate whose behavior charms and intrigues him. Remembering a similar occurrence of events happening to an acquaintance, Yukiyo begins to wonder whether it's finally time for his "moteki," a period of time in a person's life when they suddenly and inexplicably become greatly attractive to their romantic interests. Said to happen only a few times in one's life, Yukiyo finds himself incentivized to chase after love with a vigor he had never felt in his life before. Will the luckless Yukiyo finally find the exciting and fulfilling romance he had given up on? [Written by MAL Rewrite] Volume 1: Linda Linda What do you think about this manga?
Authors:Mitsurou Kubo
Published:Nov 11, 2008 to Jul 27, 2010
Views: 42,605