Himari is a single mother, tirelessly raising her young son while navigating the chaotic pace of everyday life. One day, her son gets into a fight and gets injured, prompting his homeroom teacher to visit their home. Apparently, the other child had insulted Himari, calling her names. Despite juggling multiple jobs and being at her limit, she’s still doing her best! Wanting to show some gratitude, Himari invites the teacher to stay for dinner. She allows herself one drink as a reward for all her hard work. But the mix of exhaustion, stress, and the moment's warmth leads to an impulsive kiss... This is the bittersweet and tender love story of a single mother and a serious young teacher! Their long-overdue intimacy stirs overwhelming sensations. Witness the poignant clash between the struggles of a mother and the pleasure of rediscovering herself as a woman!