Geocentric Reverberation

Geocentric Reverberation

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<p>Zhao Zi Hui and his elder brother Zhao Zi Yue were born and raised in Harbor City. One day, Zi Yue discovers the existence of an alien species and abruptly leaves their home. A few years later, Zi Hui still can't find peace as his brother's disappearance comes back to haunt him.</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>浩瀚宇宙,人类这一渺小生物,竟孕育了一股超脱维度并难以解释力量,赵子辉和赵子月本是在海港城市的普通少年兄弟,在意外得知地球并非人类主宰后,哥哥便离家出走,了无音讯。几年后,弟弟赵子辉收到了哥哥的尸体认领通知,可此时脑中却传来了哥哥的声音……</p>
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